Create mobile forms with Form Builder in Skedulo for Salesforce (Beta)

Create mobile forms using Form Builder in Skedulo for Salesforce.


This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to create mobile forms using the Form Builder in Skedulo for Salesforce.


You must be an Administrator or a user with the required permissions.

Create a Skedulo Plus form with Form Builder

The five steps below will guide you through creating mobile forms for the Skedulo Plus app using the Form Builder.

  1. Prepare form data schema.
  2. Map custom objects and fields to Skedulo.
  3. Create new forms with data mapping.
  4. Add components to forms.
  5. Install forms.

Step 1: Prepare form data schema

Before creating mobile forms with the Form Builder, ensure that you’ve created the necessary objects and fields in Salesforce to store the data collected from the mobile form.

For example:

If you want to link the data with the Jobs object, make sure to create all the custom fields in the Jobs object in advance.

If you want to link the data with an existing custom object, you will need to create two custom fields in the object you want to link with the form data with the exact details as follows:

Custom field Field type Field label Field Name
The Job field Lookup (refer to the Job object) Job Job
The FormUID field Text FormUID FormUID

These fields are essential for linking the collected data from the jobs to the object. If these fields are not present, you won’t be able to select the object when creating forms.

For detailed steps on how to create objects in Salesforce, refer to Create custom objects in Salesforce.

Step 2: Map custom objects and fields to Skedulo

Before mapping fields to the form’s components, navigate to Settings > Data Management > Custom Fields to map fields from Salesforce to the Skedulo web app.

For more detailed steps on how to map objects and fields, refer to Map custom objects and fields.

Step 3: Create new forms with data mapping

Follow these steps to create a new mobile form:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Mobile app configuration > Mobile forms in the Skedulo web app.

    The Mobile forms page displays all Skedulo Plus mobile forms that are created using Form Builder.

  2. Click Create form at the top-right corner of the page.

    The Create new form modal appears.

  3. On the Create form screen, choose the Data Mapping options that meet your needs:

    a. Create new records: Link the collected data with a custom object. Each time a resource submits a response, a new record for the selected object will be created.

    b. Update job records: Link the collected data to the Jobs object. This option will create a Job form and allow resources to update the custom fields of the job they are working on.

    Create new forms modal
  4. Click Next to go to the next screen.

  5. On the Form details screen, complete the form details.

    Refer to Create a new Skedulo Plus form for more information about the form details.

    a. Below is an example of the Create new record option:

    Create new record example

    b. Below is an example of the Update Job Record option:

    Update job record example
  1. Click Create.

You’ve successfully created the form. Now you can start editing the details or adding components to it. See: Edit the form details.

Step 4: Add components to forms

Follow these steps to add components to the form:

  1. On the Form Details page, switch to the Form Builder tab.

  2. Click Add new component and then select the component type that you want to create.

    To learn about available components, see: Components available in the Skedulo Plus Form Builder.

    Add new component button

  3. After adding a component, the Component details configuration panel displays.

    Component details panel

    a. From the Field mapping dropdown list, select a field that you want to map to this component.

    Note that:

    • You can only select fields that have the field type compatible with the component you are working on.

    • For the Update job records form, only custom fields of the Jobs object can be selected here.

    b. Provide a Label and other fields for the component.

    For more details on how can you configure a component, see Build a Skedulo Plus form with Form Builder components.

    c. Click Save.

When editing a dropdown or multi-dropdown component, the options will be populated directly from the picklist values of the field you selected here.

Dropdown or multi-dropdown component example

  1. Continue to create more components that you need for the form.

    You can drag and drop to reorder the components or set the conditional display logic to control the visibility of each component. See: Set conditional display logic in Form Builder.

Step 5: Install forms

To make the form available in the Skedulo Plus app, click Install at the top-right corner of the form details page. The form status then changes from Draft to Installed.

Install button on the form details page

View data collected from the form

After resources submit their responses to the form, you can view the collected data.

  • If you choose the Create new records option, you can see the data in the object you selected for Data Mapping in Step 3: Create new forms.

  • If you choose the Update job records option, the data will be stored in the Jobs object.